It’s fall y’all! Chilly air won’t keep the Barkery professionals from supporting your pet’s wellness! We’re here to keep your pets safe, happy, and healthy all year long! With visits to the pumpkin patch on everyone’s social media, it’s time to talk about our pumpkin trick – aiding your dog’s digestion and eliminating diarrhea! your pet’s appetite and eating habits. As they age, your pet may not be able to digest food as well as they used to, so it’s crucial to feed them a nutritious diet that is easy to digest.
Why Does My Dog Have Diarrhea?
Does your dog have diarrhea? If it hasn’t happened yet, trust us – it will. Don’t be alarmed; every dog suffers from diarrhea at some point. It is worth watching out for, however. In some cases, severe diarrhea can indicate serious illness in your pet, while at other times it’s just a sign of an upset stomach due to stress or a change in diet.
Before using pumpkin to treat your pup’s diarrhea, check in with your vet – especially if your dog has constant diarrhea. Only your vet can help with sicknesses like parasites or infections; this all natural pumpkin remedy is only intended to supplement digestion after you’ve received the okay from your vet.

Can Pumpkin Treat Diarrhea in Dogs?
The short answer? Yes! While it can’t magically cure illnesses, pumpkin is a great digestive aid for a number of reasons! Pumpkin is full of important vitamins and minerals that help promote your dog’s overall wellness – vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, E, and C as well as potassium and iron – even beta-carotene. What gives pumpkin its diarrhea defying properties however is its soluble fiber content.
The soluble fiber absorbs excess water while working to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in your dog’s digestive tract. Pumpkin acts as a prebiotic, or a “food” for the probiotics (the beneficial bacteria) in your pup’s intestines.
What Kind of Pumpkin Should I Feed My Dog
For a higher concentration of fiber and nutrients, plain canned pumpkin is the way to go. Fresh pumpkin is still healthy but holds a higher water content – something that will not necessarily help with any diarrhea issues. Beware spiced or sweetened canned pumpkin, however; the additives and spices can further aggravate your pup’s tummy and make him sicker. Keep a close eye out for xylitol especially, which is toxic for dogs.
How Much Pumpkin Should I Give My Dog
Remember, all things in moderation. Depending on your dog’s size and weight, the dosage can vary from 1 to 4 tablespoons added to their food. The best approach is to start small and add a little bit at a time. Too much canned pumpkin will cause negative effects like bloating, cramping, and gas.
Word of Warning: Please always consult with your vet before altering your pet’s diet. Diarrhea is a common symptom but it can be a sign of serious illness. Get the go ahead from your vet to follow an all natural diet change.
Can Pumpkin Help with Dog Constipation?
While the soluble fiber in pumpkin can work wonders for your dog’s diarrhea, the key to solving constipation lies in a dose of insoluble fiber. And guess what? Pumpkin can help here too! Again, be sure to ask your vet before altering your pet’s diet.
Does your pet need a better source of fiber, perhaps a diet change? Looking to upgrade your pet’s food to something more nutritious? For more information or any other questions, contact the Barkery team of experts today!